Welcome to my blog

This blog is a compilation of thoughts, musings and experiences of my life as a Civil Celebrant, mixed in with my reactions to relevant current events and news stories. There’s always lots to talk about!
Controlling the Wedding Costs

Controlling the Wedding Costs

Almost by definition, weddings don’t come cheap! Indeed, for a wedding guest alone (in the UK), average spend is currently several hundred pounds. Don’t ask what it may cost to arrange a wedding! One reason for the high expense rate is that you are likely to need a...

Speaking Many Tongues (not forked!)

Speaking Many Tongues (not forked!)

I graduated more years ago than I care to remember. In fact, I’ve reached the age when it’s difficult to remember anything! Joking apart, I studied French and Russian (with Czech) at the University of Leeds in the 1970s. I knew I had an aptitude for languages, and...

Navigating the Mixed-Faith Minefield

Navigating the Mixed-Faith Minefield

Of course a mixed-faith ceremony frequently is beautiful, inspiring and enjoyable. However, such a result doesn’t just happen; it has to be worked at. That means, not only seeking harmony among your family but also putting together the right service. Finding a happy...

The Mystery of the Civil Celebrant

The Mystery of the Civil Celebrant

I’ve been a Civil Celebrant for some 11 years now. Up until about 2009 I don’t think I had even heard of the profession, far less knew what a civil celebrant actually did. So it doesn’t surprise me that there are a lot of people out there for whom the job of civil...

What’s A Handfasting all about?

What’s A Handfasting all about?

Quite a lot of people seem to have heard of the term “handfasting”, but considerably fewer know what it is. Enlightenment is on its way! History Handfasting originated in pagan times, and it gained force in medieval days. It was a way for peasants – mostly – to afford...

Facing up to Wedding day Nerves

Facing up to Wedding day Nerves

It’s normal enough to feel the worse for nerves on your wedding day. Or on any big occasion. It’s not a bad thing in moderation. In fact, a bit of adrenaline doesn’t hurt at all. However, you don’t want  wedding day nerves that spoil your day. Or even the run-up....

Doing Without a Civil Celebrant

Doing Without a Civil Celebrant

People don’t always get it. It’s true that you can do without a civil celebrant for your life-cycle event - depending on what you are looking for. You can have a  full-religious ceremony in church (or an equivalent). Or, if you’re looking for a simple wedding ceremony...

Weddings from Hell!

Weddings from Hell!

In my experience (10 years as a celebrant), I have been involved in a few weddings from hell. True, the vast majority of these events have been delightful, happy, beautiful occasions. But a few stick in the memory for entirely different reasons! Sometimes,...

Ceremony Readings

Ceremony Readings

Whatever the occasion you are marking, the event can be appreciably improved depending on the texts you use. People often assume that they need to follow a standard liturgy for ceremony readings. Obviously, this is the case, if you’re having a church ceremony....