

It’s time to take a look at the relatively new trend that is changing the face of weddings across the UK (and beyond).

I’m referring to micro-weddings.

Of course, people are still looking at “traditional” weddings (bride in white, formal processions, receptions for large numbers, and the like). Hopefully, after 21st June, weddings will be unrestricted again (although social distancing will surely still apply) and people will be able to pursue this lovely course of action once more.

However, there are more choices open to couples nowadays, as people have had to adapt to the draconian regulations imposed on us. With guests and participants severely limited, what has changed?

Excessive pomp has been limited, but the budget for weddings has not necessarily decreased. Demand is exceeding supply at the moment, which can add a premium to the budgeting. Couples are also focussing on quality, as that appears more affordable. The guest list might be smaller (allowing you substantial savings), but that has opened the way to, for example, providing better champagne!

As such weddings are often not “traditional”, they can become more personalised. I hardly need say that, as a civil celebrant, I have been offering personalised ceremonies for years, but this is becoming the norm now.

So the proceedings can be far more relaxed. The bride’s father might not give the bride away. The bride might dress in colours or separates. Dresses may be shorter and less formal nowadays.

Venues can be less formal too, as cafes or bandstands come into the equation. Decoration still plays a big part, but quality can stand out at smaller-scale events. There can be personalisation for the guests too – perhaps their name can be inscribed on the cutlery, for example.

Make the ceremony yours.

Don’t forget that a civil celebrant will add so much to your ceremony, whether it be a larger “traditional-style” event or a micro-wedding. Just contact Michael for a chance to find out how!

Why a Wedding Planner?

Why a Wedding Planner?

There seems to be an upturn of interest in weddings now, as the year wends its weary way to a welcome close.

Naturally, a lot of people are looking at micro-weddings. However, there may still be a need for other suppliers.


If couples want a personalised ceremony, a civil celebrant can still do a brilliant job.

I’d be delighted to explain how, if you contact me.


I have recently been talking to a number of wedding planners. Most are facing the predictable problems of postponements and even cancellations.

People are ready to use the professional services of a wedding planner, if their wedding is likely to be big or compex, but does it make sense to do so for a smaller-scale event?


If you engage a supplier like a wedding planner, of course it will set you back. However, not to the extent that you might expect.


A planner often offers packages. You don’t necessarily have to engage them for months ahead of the big day. Some can offer the wedding day only, if that suits. Ask them what they offer.

Moreover, if you use the full service, the chances are that you can ultimately save money. That is because they will have a wide network of recommended venues and suppliers, and can negotiate the best prices. So you should be able to access the highest-calibre options available.

Planners can use their experience to deal with issues, so they make your wedding (and the run-up) stress-free. That’s worth a lot!

Finally, but not insignificantly, planners can save you time. You may have a hectic work – and/or social – schedule, and the planner can serve as a sort of PA, which can be extremely valuable.

So don’t avoid the wedding planner because it seems a waste of money. You may gain a lot more than you bargained for, by using one.

Find out more at www.ukawp.com.

To discuss this – or how a civil celebrant can help you – have a chat with Michael.

Photo: www.elwoodphotography.co.uk