Hanging in there

Well, there’s no knowing (at the time of writing) whether things are going to change in the near future. Meanwhile, we are all locked in, trying to make the best of our peculiar situation.

Free time

Personally, I have been viewing the small screen more than normal (only a bit – honest!), although I have also been networking courtesy of Zoom. I have kept my brain sharp (!) with a few more puzzles. A pleasant side-effect has been communication with people with whom we aren’t in regular contact.

I have even tried out Qi Gong, which I enjoyed and may well pursue, once normality returns. I have benefitted from a south-facing garden and expect to have acquired some Vitamin D! I have not neglected online exercise, but am yearning to get back to the swimming pool, once it’s permissible again. Uniquely, I have just been giving the house a spring clean! I can’t say that this has been a pleasure, but the results are quite satisfying! Even if they only last for a day or so!


My main activity has been professional, though. As a celebrant, I am lucky to have had intellectual stimulus, some sort of interactions – albeit at a distance – and even some income. Of course, the weddings have dried up (or been postponed), but I still have some funerals. I say “still” because my local crematorium (where I normally conduct my funerals) now performs exclusively direct cremations. In other words, no ceremony (or even mourners). So I’m working at a couple of crematoria further afield, where they are still allowing ceremonies (up to 10 people), but am less likely to be as busy. We’ll see.

Interesting that there is no consistency between crematoria.

Anyway, I am still alive, and sincerely wish anybody who reads this to stay well and safe.