Welcome to my blog
This blog is a compilation of thoughts, musings and experiences of my life as a Civil Celebrant, mixed in with my reactions to relevant current events and news stories. There’s always lots to talk about!
How about a Micro-Wedding?
Last year micro-weddings were taking the world by storm. OK, there were quite a lot of them – and at the expense of more lavish or traditional events. Of course, this was because of the peculiar conditions we were living under. Numbers had to be limited and social...
What does an Elopement Ceremony look like?
When I performed my first elopement ceremony recently, a number of people were curious. Did this take place in secret? Were there elements that you wouldn’t have expected in a “normal” ceremony? The circumstances were as follows: Anita and Bruce (not real names!)...
Never a Dull Moment!
When I was a student (a little after Noah’s flood!), I little suspected what knowledge of languages would offer me. I guessed it would come in handy for my travels, but little suspected how useful it might be in my current career. Indeed, at that time, I had no idea...
What does a “Mixed-Faith” Wedding involve?
Just as there are many types of weddings, a mixed-faith service can vary ceremony by ceremony. Not just because the couples are different. Or because the religions highlighted might be different. As with any celebrant-led ceremony, you can tailor the components to fit...
So, what IS a Civil Celebrant?
It’s understandable that I get asked what a civil celebrant actually is. I hope this blog will give you answers and paint a clearer picture, so you can see the potential benefits of working with one. Here are a few questions I get all the time. Are you a Humanist? The...
Woeful Weddings
My last blog was about stress at weddings. It reminded me of a piece I wrote about a year ago concerning nightmare scenarios. The scenarios were: A fireThe groom forgot the ringThe bride’s car got lostA staircase collapsedA photographer fell over backwardsThe Best Man...
Does Your Wedding Have to be Stressful?
Your wedding ought to be the biggest day of your life. It won’t come to pass without stress. That’s natural. You may be arranging a really big do. There are so many things to organise both for the ceremony and the reception. It’s important that everything runs...
Do you get what you pay for with a Civil Celebrant?
I’m bound to start with “it depends”, aren’t I?! Do you get value for money when you engage a civil celebrant? Well, how much are you paying, for a start? How can you be sure that your supplier will provide what is wanted? What value do you put on a bespoke ceremony,...
Stunning Ceremonies
I’m often asked to talk about my favourite ceremony. Wow! I’ve conducted nearly three hundred in my nine or so years as a civil celebrant, so which to choose? And why would it be my “favourite”? Because of the people involved, the venue, the ceremony itself, or a...