That’s Not a Job for Me!

Jun 3, 2024

Of course I’m not alone in failing to find my vocation at first.

I started my working life (apart from student jobs) in a merchanting company. I was singularly unsuited for this, in truth, and lasted about 18 months.

I then became a teacher. While I was at university, the only career direction I had been sure of was that I would not become a teacher!

Well, 25 years down the line, I had proved myself wrong!

However, I didn’t really enjoy perhaps a quarter of the time I spent as a teacher, so it wasn’t truly what I was cut out for.

My mother, who had had hopes for me in business, was disappointed in my choice (I am sure), but, as I made my way up the ladder, became happier.

When she died in 2009, I was independently free for about a year – so I left the profession.

I went in to multi-level marketing, offering natural health products. This was really good for the self-development it encouraged, and I enjoyed selling remarkable products and making a difference. Unfortunately, I did not make money doing it.

This went on for a couple of years and something had to give.

One day, when I attended a business networking meeting, I met my first Civil Celebrant. Out of politeness, I made conversation with him. He was to infect me with his passion for celebrancy. Why on earth shouldn’t somebody be able to mark an important life-cycle occasion in the way that they wanted and in a way which meant something to them?

So I was hooked.

Two training weekends later in 2013, and I was ready to be unleashed on the world!

My focus has organically moved to funerals, but I still offer weddings (especially mixed-faith) and Vow Renewals, among other ceremonies. I love meeting the clients and helping them on their journey. I can help and advise them, and also facilitate their dreams.

It’s a thoroughly rewarding (though not necessarily that well-paid!) profession, and I’m so glad I stumbled upon it. Even if it took me till I was in my 50s to become part of it!