Things don’t have to be gloomy after all

Things don’t have to be gloomy after all

However you define it, we’ve reached Autumn now. The days are shorter, children are back at – or preparing for – school. We’re on the path towards the dark damp, cold days of Winter.

Sounds depressing, eh? Well, it needn’t be. Especially if you have something to look forward to. Personally, next Summer holds a big birthday for me as well as our silver wedding anniversary. So we’ve booked a special trip, and that prospect will help sustain us through the more miserable days of Winter.

However, you may not be in the same position as me, however. What can you do to bring some light to the forthcoming gloom?

It may not be such a crazy idea to plan and book a special ceremony for yourself. This could be a Vow Renewal or even a handfasting (or both!).

What this could mean is that you pick something that matters to you and mark it with an event. An example might be a wedding anniversary, especially one ending in -5 or -0. Or you might want to celebrate a new arrival into your family (this doesn’t necessarily have to be a baby). Perhaps somebody has recovered from serious ill health. Or it might be that somebody is starting a new job or moving away, and these could all merit a ceremony.

You might incorporate a ritual (or two) in your ceremony. (Your celebrant will be happy to advise you.) That way, if you want particular people to participate, they will be able to do so.

You can also include a favourite reading or two, and have input from folk special to you.

It won’t be like a wedding, where there is paperwork to complete and conditions to comply with. You can relax and do it just as you please. That might mean hiring a venue or doing it in your back garden. The possibilities are virtually endless.

The point is: you (and your celebrant) can put together a meaningful, beautiful ceremony that will hit the mark. This will be something you – and your guests – will really enjoy and remember far into the future.

So you can devote those dark days ahead to planning something worthwhile and unique.

Do have a chat, if this idea interests you.