“My Baby!”

Jul 4, 2022
Wedding Celebrant book

I can’t believe it, but it’s been 7 years since I self-published “Your Wedding Guide”. It’s not been a best-seller, if I’m frank, but I’m proud of the help it’s been to many couples. It was a labour of love.

At the moment, it’s still remarkably up-to-date. It may be that celebrants will be licensed to conduct legal weddings (this is currently under discussion in parliament), in which case an update may be required, but the book is otherwise still very relevant.

The subtitle “helping you through the Minefield” is certainly apt. After all, the wedding process is not straightforward!

As far as Amazon goes, you can still buy it (for a give-away £4.99, as I write!).  Just click on Your Wedding Guide: Helping you through the Minefield: Amazon.co.uk: Gordon, Michael, Ahmad, Soody: 9781508444862: Books and you should be able to do the rest!

Looking back, there wasn’t a lot of heavy research that I needed to do, which made the job a little simpler. I had a number of years’ practical experience, and was able to draw on those for much of the book.

People have different needs and expectations, so I tried to touch on these – I went broad, rather than deep. It makes the book more accessible as well as practical.

The subject-matter ranges quite widely. There are chapters on choosing your celebrant (as you’d expect!), hiring suppliers, same-sex weddings, vows, saving money and a countdown checklist, among other subjects.

The whole is written in plain English and is designed to be easy to dip into and practical.

I accept that this has been a shameless sales pitch, but a lot of people don’t know it’s out there, and could really benefit from it.

So if you know a couple just starting off on their wedding journey, what a wonderful gift this could be!