Is it OK to massacre a few gays

Jun 14, 2016

We’re a dozen days away from London’s Gay Pride weekend. It’s become a big event. I’ve never attended, but I imagine it is normally a colourful and joyous occasion.


Outrage or agreement?

However, the recent events in Pulse will surely overshadow its riotous and exuberant side. How can one fail to be affected by a massacre, not least of innocent people?

Well, apparently, one can.

I understand (just) that people may disapprove of homosexuality. I get that it’s not easy for everybody to come to terms with it. However, I never expected that people would come out and declare that it was fine because gays deserved what happened in Orlando, and that was not the least they should have coming to them. Roll on more massacres!

How can you agree with the view that you should disapprove of (let alone hate) someone who is a homosexual? That a gay person must be a deviant and in some way inferior and less human (shades of Nazi Germany?).

But to slaughter unarmed people innocently enjoying themselves ….


At about the same time as sick idiots were posting their support for the outrage, I saw one post (from @ThatBloke_Jesus!) that warmed my heart: “If your Religion would rather see two men holding guns than holding hands, then you really need to question your beliefs.”

Oh, yes.

In case anyone wonders, I am straight (and in a happy heterosexual marriage). As a civil celebrant, I do perform same-sex ceremonies, but I support and encourage straight relationships too.

What counts is not someone’s sexuality. (How does being gay make you a bad person?) Surely there are other factors that determine whether a person is worthy or unworthy (even if our credentials to judge others are shaky in the extreme – “let he who is without sin cast the first stone”).

I still won’t be attending the Gay Pride weekend, but I hope it goes off without a hitch. I hope that a group of decent human beings will be allowed to express themselves and have a great time. That wish may come to fruition on the 25th and 26th.

The wish that people will turn away from hatred, prejudice and violence is perhaps a little less likely to be realised.