Controlling the Wedding Costs

May 27, 2024

Almost by definition, weddings don’t come cheap! Indeed, for a wedding guest alone (in the UK), average spend is currently several hundred pounds. Don’t ask what it may cost to arrange a wedding!

One reason for the high expense rate is that you are likely to need a lot of suppliers. And all need to be paid.

Some undervalue themselves or feel the pressure of competition and lower their rates, so bargains can occasionally be had; many are reasonable enough; but others seem to take advantage of you!

Bear in mind that not everybody is able to do their work as well as them. They should have been trained, and possess particular skills and ability.

Obviously, clients have different perspectives and aims. No two weddings are the quite same. You may value what the suppliers offer in a different way to the next couple.

So it’s a good idea to do your homework carefully, and compare like with like.

The kind of suppliers you’re likely to want may include the following: a venue, wedding planner, florist, photographer, celebrant, caterer, make up artist, dress/suit hire.  

You can go down the DIY route – arranging everything yourself – but there are inherent dangers in relying on amateurs and it can be very stressful in the final reckoning.

May I advise you to look for a celebrant? They can add an extra dimension to your event. What skills must they possess?

They need to be able to find out what your vision really is for the day. Can they listen well, not just imposing their own choices, although advice can often be invaluable)? They must be good writers when putting together the ceremony and, not least, be able to present well.

As regards myself, I hold a Diploma in Wedding Celebrancy and have over 11 years’ experience in conducting ceremonies. I am calm, friendly and professional. I belong to a respected professional association.

I feel justified in charging for my services (I’m probably mid-range).

Other suppliers will be experts in their fields too, so will be justified in charging what they do. 

Your job is to weed out the one(s) you feel will chime best with your wants and whom you can trust. Obviously, don’t sign up with anyone until you have understood their Ts & Cs.

Once you have a suitable supplier on board, you won’t regret the outlay. And remember, you’re also paying for peace of mind, and how easy is that to put a price on!