Choosing a celebrant is a bit like choosing a builder. If you haven’t got a personal recommendation, you can only go by the website – and instinct.
The website will probably have some testimonials – or you can ask to be connected with people who have already used the celebrant’s services. That’s a good beginning.
You should of course contact the celebrant – and arrange either a face-to-face meeting or a Skype call. That should be free, so you are not committed at that stage. Following that initial conversation, you will be able to answer two vital questions:
- can the celebrant communicate well? Can they speak well and also listen well?
- do you feel a rapport with them? Are they friendly, but professional?
You’ll need to be willing to ask plenty of questions. You may want to be led by the hand and take advice every step of the way, or you may prefer to insist on all the details yourself. Usually, it’s a combination, but it doesn’t have to be the case.
You should receive clear information about the celebrant’s terms and conditions. Cheapest is not always best, of course, but you will have to judge what you can afford to pay. You will need to know how the celebrant will work with you.
Ideally, the celebrant will allow you to create your perfect ceremony, guiding you clearly and inviting your full participation.
That way, you should be sure of receiving the greatest assistance and satisfaction in the build-up to what is certainly the most important day in your life.