Being Appreciated

Jul 18, 2022
elopement ceremony

It means a lot when your efforts are not just taken for granted! Being appreciated means a great deal.

It is not as simple as it seems to be a celebrant. There are many elements that need to go together to create a successful ceremony.

The work is worthwhile, though, when the couple show their appreciation.

I’d like to give a flavour of what can be achieved. So today I shall simply share a short testimonial I received recently from a happy couple.

“Michael was so wonderful. We chose Michael to officiate our elopement in London immediately after we spoke with him the first time – he resonated much more with us and our very ambiguous ideas for a ceremony. He was so kind and patient, and helped us craft a truly unique and special ceremony. He helped guide us toward a ceremony with so much meaning and encouraged us to bring in our own elements. His words made both of us cry, and his presence and grace made our ceremony truly magical. We couldn’t thank him enough.”

Perhaps you can understand why, although I am relieved (only because of the weather forecast!) that I don’t have a ceremony to conduct this week, I am so looking forward to the next. Being appreciated like this is a huge motive force and is an adrenaline kick. (Yes, I admit it: I’m a bit of a junkie for that!)

So if you know of anybody that would like to share the delight that a memorable ceremony can engender, please pass my details on to them.

I am looking forward to being appreciated again!